This is Barbara and Mauricio. This picture was taken in El Paso, Texas, 1996 when I was a few weeks old.
The picture in the right was taken by Plinio De Almeida on May 2000.Mami has blue eyes and fair skin. She was born in Venezuela and talks to me in German, since that's her native tongue.
Daddy is darker, with brown eyes, and speaks to me in Spanish.
My teacher at Brown Station
Brown Station, my Elementary school === Roberto Clemente, my Middle School
My Basketball Team - My 6th. Birthday - My 5th. Birthday - My parents - My 3 sisters
My grandparents - My cousins - My uncles - My Pictures - My Video-clips - My Playgroup
My first teacher - Valentine's Day - Babette's Feast - My Pre-school - My Pre-School class